Water is an important component of the body and helps the body’s systems function properly. It is in blood, secretions, urine, sweat, and many other forms. When we exercise, our body temperature increases. Although the human body is up of 60% of water by weight. The body loses a lot of water every day. Because if we do not drink enough water, the body will fall into a state of dehydration.
Therefore, we should drink enough water to meet the body’s needs to compensate for the water lost. Because if we do not drink enough water, the body will definitely fall into a state of dehydration. Loss of sweat during exercise This is because sweat helps remove heat from the body. The mineral salts and various important minerals are releas from the body along with sweat. The water that is drain away as sweat is call sweat.
Electrolytes contains various minerals that help control water balance in the body. If the body sweats a lot and does not receive enough water to replace it, It will cause the body to lose balance. Drinking water during exercise is therefore an important part of helping the body function normally. Resulting in effective exercise. In addition, water also helps the system burn energy. or metabolism to work more efficiently As a result, you can exercise longer. Helps to burn more fat ทางเข้า ufabet. If you exercise for the purpose of losing weight Drinking water is therefore a very important part that cannot be miss.
Dehydration is a condition in which the body’s fluids are reduce, leading to symptoms such as headache, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, and dizziness. Dehydration can be cause by a number of factors, one of which is excessive or prolonged exercise. While exercise is a great activity for overall health, strenuous or prolonged exercise without adequate hydration can lead to dehydration and other complications.
Replacing water lost from sweat during exercise Water is enough. Because sweat is compos almost entirely of water. Contains only a few percent of important minerals But if you exercise hard and feel a lot of sweat loss. In the case of those who exercise for more than 1 hour, they can also choose to drink electrolyte supplements.